Have you ever considered plastic surgery? Just to look better, or a touch fitter? Or has the wish ever crossed your mind to be younger, prettier, slimmer, trendier? When was the last time you thought about going on a diet or an exercise regime? If none of this applies to you, then don’t bother reading any further. If it does, on the other hand… The desire to be young, good looking and to never age has of course been taken to new and somewhat pathological heights in recent years; yet it is as old as civilization itself, and mythology is full of indications that this wish is deep seated. And the reason is simple enough: the aspirations and dreams that human beings hold do not seem to fit into a lifetime, even a long one. Somehow sixty or even seventy years do not suffice to live the life we seem to be made for; too soon sickness and death put a sudden end to it all.
Even Christians understand that. What they would say is that the desire for perpetual youth is a somewhat twisted or perverted version of man’s innate desire for eternal life. “He has put eternity into our hearts”, the Bible says.
Just yesterday a number of Christians celebrated a slightly unusual feast, the Dormition of the Mother of God, as some call it, or the Assumption of our Lady, the other ter
m for it. What does that mean? It refers to the death of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and many Christians believe that because she bore the Son of God in her womb, her death was also special: rather than dying and decaying she simply “fell asleep to wake up in heaven”. What would be the point of that, and why would anybody celebrate it, other than because it gets you a day off work in most Catholic countries? Christians believe that death is not the end, and while the end of Mary’s life might have been somewhat special, her destination is not: all human beings have a resurrection to look forward, and an eternity to spend with or without God, depending on their choice. In other words, the desire for eternal youth is not simply a figment of man’s imagination, but something based on the way we were made: this life is not all there is, there is life on the other side of the grave. And what Christians do is begin this life even now, by not simply waiting to meet God in “heaven”, but by living with him and in him here and now.
The reason many Christians believe that Mary never died was that her relationship with God was special enough that his very own life transformed her enough here on earth so that her body never decayed. What all Christians believe is that God’s spirit will transform all of us, if we let him, so that we live forever, eternally young, with glorified bodies and fully alive. So next time you consider cosmetic surgery, try prayer instead: Mary would approve!
# posted by tino @ Thursday, August 16, 2007