Thursday, December 19, 2013
Esther’s Smile
I am walking through crunchy snow, pretty much alone, except
for the occasional car: it is 5:30 on a Saturday morning, and not many people
are on the streets. But I am on my way to the homeless shelter, and my shift
starts at 6:00. When I examine my heart I find a mixture of anticipation and
apprehension: anticipation, because the next two hours will be some of the most
exhilarating of my week; apprehension, because I am always deeply challenged
and sometimes uncomfortable in the face of what awaits me.
After my half hour walk in sub-zero (Fahrenheit) temperatures
I am happy to get inside, and what greets me is the unmistakable smell of about
50 people having spent the night in the dining room. On the 2nd
floor the lights are still out, until 6 am. Then everybody stirs, and the day
begins: packing up their bedding, dressing, cleaning up, a quick cup of coffee
and a donated muffin, then gathering their meager belongings and facing the
cold world again.

And so, as I finish up my cleaning duties and get ready to
walk home again, I realize that I just spent a couple of hours in Bethlehem: a
place of poverty, in many ways not very attractive, challenging in fact by its
poverty, barrenness and crudeness; but beautiful in its simplicity, radiant
with the presence of God, attractive and serene. I think I shall be back next
week for another of Esther’s smiles.
May you find Bethlehem this year, wherever you are!